We Connect People
to Jesus and Each Other

By God's grace, Zion Mennonite Church will be a House of Peace where all people are invited to share in Christ's love with each other and the world.

Through the power of his Spirit, God has made Zion into a House of Peace even as he continues to smooth out the rough edges of our lives and community.

Collaborative Ministry Team

John David Thacker, Collaborative Ministry Team
John David Thacker
Collaborative Ministry Team
Sue Short
Collaborative Ministry Team

Who We Are

Our Mission

Through the power of his Spirit, God has made Zion into a House of Peace.

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Our Beliefs

We are an Anabaptist community committed to following Jesus Christ as our Lord in all that we do.

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Our People

We are a community that is eager for the new things God is doing (and will do!) in our midst.

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We’re so glad you stopped by! We’d love to answer any questions and to share more about Zion. 

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We'd love to talk to you about Zion, our ministries and our mission, and how you can be a part of our church family.