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Called To Life
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
Called to the Light
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
Shaped Through Thirst
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
Shaped By New Birth
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
Passionate Spirituality
It’s easy to blame church problems on COVID. But many trends were impacting Christian churches a long time before the pandemic. Historian and theologian Phyllis Tickle describes it as “Every…
Advent II 2022
Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80:3) We tend to think of Advent as a season of waiting, which it is. However, the…