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High School Senior Sunday
For our worship series from Easter to Pentecost, we’ll explore this idea of living as Resurrection people. Through resurrection, God has begun something in human history. Easter worship celebrates what…
From Security to Generosity ~ Lent I
This season, our Lent worship resources center on a focal text from Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.”…
Pastor’s Choice Sunday
Colossians 3:12-17 paints a full picture of daily life in the church. Just like the church in first century Colossae, we too are invited into the fullness of Christian community…
New Years Reflection Service
A reflective worship service looking back at where we have come this past year, and imagining ahead with hope.
Advent I 2021: Dare to Imagine God’s Goodness
This season, we'll shift our attention to the natural world, particularly the wonder of the heavens, as we anticipate the birth of Jesus. The writers of this year's materials describe…