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John 11:17-36
A full human life, even for Christians, includes both love and loss. Opening ourselves to the risk of love also means opening ourselves to the pain of loss. Some of us overestimate how “strong” we…
Campfire Stories with Sue Short & Michelle Wyse
“Welcome to the Campfire!” Our usual August ‘Front Porch’ with a new twist! You are invited to dress casually and comfortably. Come hear stories from one another about faith, seeing…
Revelation 22:1-9
Many of us enjoy spending time on or near the water in the summer. There's something calming about water which seems to ground us and connect us to God's presence. We…
High School Senior Sunday
For our worship series from Easter to Pentecost, we’ll explore this idea of living as Resurrection people. Through resurrection, God has begun something in human history. Easter worship celebrates what…
Mark 5:21-43
For our worship today, we are still in the Living the Resurrection Series, exploring the idea of living as Resurrection people. Two over-arching questions that are guiding the services include:…
April 16, 2023
For our worship series from Easter to Pentecost, we’ll explore this idea of living as Resurrection people. Through resurrection, God has begun something in human history. Easter worship celebrates what…
Called To Life
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
Called to the Light
Lent is a fitting season of the church year to focus our attention on some foundational questions - What does it mean to be images of the God who created…
It’s easy to blame church problems on COVID. But many trends were impacting Christian churches a long time before the pandemic. Historian and theologian Phyllis Tickle describes it as “Every…
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday
It’s easy to blame church problems on COVID. But many trends were impacting Christian churches a long time before the pandemic. Historian and theologian Phyllis Tickle describes it as “Every…
Advent I 2022
Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80:3) We tend to think of Advent as a season of waiting, which it is. However, the…
James 5:13-20
Dwelling in the Word Fall Worship Series: This summer, we were invited to join other congregations around Ohio Conference in reading through the entire New Testament together using the same Bible…
Hebrews 11:8-16
Dwelling in the Word Fall Worship Series: This summer, we were invited to join other congregations around Ohio Conference in reading through the entire New Testament together using the same Bible…