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Dinner with Jesus: Peace Around the Table Series
Dinner with Jesus: Peace around the Table." More than any of the other gospels, Luke emphasizes table fellowship. Luke portrays Jesus eating with those considered ‘unclean’ and living at the margins…
House of Peace Series

House of Peace Series

Front Porch Series

Front Porch Series

Front Porch series

Pastor’s scripture choice

Letter to the Philippians – week 1

Pentecost 2021

Come and See: The Seven Signs of John – week 1
What are we being invited to 'come and see' in each of these seven miracle stories in the Gospel of John?
Good Friday
Good Friday 2021
Deep Calls To Deep – Lent 3
Lent 3, 2021
Ash Wednesday

Luke 6

We've offered the congregation the ability to help shape worship with scripture texts that have been formative, meaningful, or life-giving to you.